It's been forever since I've blogged but I've been insanely busy - subbing at the high school, photography shoots, working at our new gym! About 8 weeks ago, Chris was "given" a part of a building to use as a gym. He really needed a place to work ot and a client who had a building just sitting there empty. Long story short, he had another acquaintance who was closing his gym and gave him a whole bunch of equipment. Then the church loaned him the mixed martial arts mats. We had a bunch of boxing equipment and when we got the space all loaded up, it became evident that we had this super cool fighting facility.
So, we put the word out - word of mouth advertising no print - and now we have about 30 members. Which might not seem like a lot - but it is limited space and only open for 2 hours a night. We also teach two cardio classes (or I do). We are planning on opening from 5 - 11 once summer starts which is in a week or two and so we suspect many more!
There is also a room in the building that I am using for a photo studio - we have to paint walls and floor but once that's done - it's good to go! So excited!!
I've also been looking into grants for teaching as I've about decided to go back to college and get my teaching degree, and I've been working on developing a professional photography website.
Add to that - the extras: Cub scouts, mom's taxi surface, businessman's paperwork woman, etc. I've included a shoot of our recent bridging over - where Joshua's pack bridges over into Bear!