Thursday, April 23, 2009
This weekend, the Jackson Family will participate in an event in Austin called The Rescue. To learn more about this amazing event, check out an amazing website -
The plight in Africa is a burden that both Chris and I share, and so with our tshirts in hand, backpacks packed, and Joshua in tow, we will be heading down to UT where we will join about 3000 others and walk in silence to our refugee site (aka The Capitol). We will wait there until a mogul shows up to rescue us. A mogul is member of the media, someone with the government or a celebrity. Letters and emails as well as youtubes have been going all month in order to get the attention of this high profile types to bring them to our event.
If you are not in the mood to check out the invisible children website then the short version of why we are doing what we are doing this weekend is to bring attention to the plight of the 3000+ children who have been abducted by Kony and forced into the LRA (Lords Resistant Army). The LRA is the group of terrorists that are terrorizing their own - genocide. These children are the only ones left for Kony to brainwash into killing for him. He targets boys ages 5 - 12 and gives them a choice - to kill or be killed. Often, they have already seen their entire families destroyed by this man.
Add to that, the children that fear for their lives and become night commuters in order to escape Kony and his evilness. And then add the children and families that are forced out of their villages and into refugee camps (where they have been told their needs would be met) where they spend the entire day searching for food, building fire, walking miles for water (which most be boiled)and basically trying to figure out how to survive (and by survive - I mean eat 1 meal a day). Their basic needs are not truly met in these camps and most would rather go back to their villages and fend for themselves. Children are not able to go to school, yet their parents must pay a fee for them not going to school; however, their parents can rarely if ever get a job.
I get very upset when I think how powerful this nation of ours is and yet, we have not stepped in to put an end to such terrorism. When the war on terror was proclaimed, why did we choose to overlook the plight of 1000s of Africans? Is it because we have no oil interests there? Or because they did not directly end American lives? I know that America cannot super impose itself on every nation in need, but from what I have studied, we've been asked to intervene on this situation and we have not. My question is Why? I know this is not a politically correct commentary - so please don't send me a gazillion angry emails. I supported what Bush did as far as going after the SOBs of 9/11.
Today, I have worn my AK47 in remembrance of the children stolen by Kony, and as a why to share about the event on Saturday.
If you do not hear from us soon - please come to Austin and bring a mogul to rescue us! The kids really need to go to school Monday.