Tuesday, February 10, 2009


In watching the newest updates on the economy of our country, as well as watching the President speak last night, I am becoming very grateful that my husband has work. In a time when families are losing their homes, I am eternally grateful that we have ours.
I know I complain alot about Chris having to work out of state - basically I am a big baby without him - so I have decided to change my whining into a new mantra. "I am grateful he is able to work".
We realize that if we stay focused and work hard towards our goals during this time, then maybe we will actually be able to get ahead of the game and do better than just survive this time. We focus on what we have, the time we have together (when he can come home, or when we can go there)and the grace that has been extended to us from above.
It is funny how you begin to take each other for granted. Especially after close to 20 years. The little things that drive you batty about your spouse, suddenly becomes insignificant. You realize that it is about just being with one another, in whatever form that takes. He was able to come home this past weekend, after 19 days away, and it was so nice to just to have him around. It was almost as if I couldn't do enough for him - making sure he had enough clothes for the next time away, making sure he had some of his favorite foods to take, enough rest, etc. Things that once I would have suggested he take care of on his own. It is true that distance makes the heart grow fonder.
This time apart also makes me appreciate our military families so much more. I have always had a special place in my heart for our service men and women and have always admired the spouses and families left behind as they serve. Now, I have an appreciation for what they must go through on a daily basis. And yet, I realize that I can't fully have that understanding of what they go through. After all, my husband is not overseas, and he is definately not a life/death situation. But it does allow me to cheer a little bit louder when the military come home. And that is nice.
All this boils down to the same point I made earlier - when I want to whine this week - I will instead chant "I am so grateful that he gets to work". What are you grateful?