Friday, October 14, 2011

Another Camp Season begins...

No, not camping season.  Camp Season.  You know, what I do for a living?  Some people call it playing and well,  so do I.  I heard once that if you want to do great at your job you should do something you love.  I love being an event coordinator for our conference.  I love our kids. I love our Servant Team and work crew.  I love our youth pastors and adult volunteers.  I love my boss, and his fam.  I love that I chase God and He allows me to do what I do for a living.  

With that said, it is still a job and my eye must be on the details.  Which is not where they should always be - they should always be looking upward towards Him.  But, we have a great team and should I miss something, someone else has already taken care of it.  That's because we work for God - and He puts together awesomely amazing teams.  

This weekend begins Tent Revival.  Our 2nd annual to be exact.  Last year it was a 24 hour period of non-stop worship, teaching and prayer.  This year, it is still 24 hours but with a lights out.  It is held in tents - from cooking, eating and worshipping to sleeping.  All tents.  Think Tent Village with God hanging out.  

These are taken before the arrival of students and youth workers begin. 

This is the quiet time.  Where we prepare our hearts for what God is going to do here this weekend. 

This is where we prepare our minds to witness the glory of a community of believers who will come together to honor Him with their entire beings for 24 hours.  Make no doubt, there will be singing, dancing and praying.  And a lot of all three. 

And hopefully at the end of it all, He will look down and whisper in our ears, "Job well done, good and faithful servants".  

Because at the end of the day, that is really what matters.

Have I mentioned how I love my job?