Monday, January 31, 2011

Running Feeds my Soul

Running feeds my Soul - it is because I am able to hear Him so clearly when I run. No matter what is on my playlist, I can hear Him talking to me. No matter how hard the run is, I know He will carry me through it. Just the way He does in my daily life. Running involves discipline and I think our faith does as well. Running requires me to be disciplined about my food as well - keeping my body the temple of God requires me to eat clean and keep it healthy. I have found that eatting clean is the best thing for my body, my weight and self confidence.

I follow most of what typical clean eatting is all about - a lot of raw veggies, certain fruits (blueberries & strawberries mostly, with the occassional apple and clementine), lean meats (venison is a fave, followed by tilipia and chicken breast). I love it. It is easy to remember what is good and healthy for my body and what is not. I avoid sugar, and anything white (no potatoes, no pasta, no breads). I love whole grain, dark breads, sweet potatoes about once a month, pasta only the night before a long run and pop chips when I'm having a craving. I know it sounds very strict, but it is super easy for me. I take all my food with me to camp as they serve food I'd never eat, and now that McDonalds has oatmeal, I can even stop in there on a long road trip!

One day I'll ist my favorite foods! You'd be suprprised at how much I eat in a day! I have several running goals set for this year. I wanted to do the livestrong half marathon but I have camp and have decided that I'll do the Capital 10K in Austin as it is the first run of the year that I won't have camp! I'll also tackle the infamous Warrior Dash in April and have recently been asked to participate in the Beach to Bay in honor of the marines in our family that are being deployed! So excited about that one.

Running keeps me focused and helps me connect with God when life is getting too loud to hear Him anywhere else. It has given me self confidence I have never had, and has helped me realize the importance of my body as a temple to Him. I have finally learned that I don't have to hate my body but instead can admire it for the accomplishments that it has achieved, for the things that it helps me accomplish. Running feeds my soul, and my spirit. What feeds yours?

MidWinter Season

In May 2010, I was hired as the youth events coordinator for the SWTC (Southwest Texas United Methodist Conference). It is a blessing - I truly love what I do and truly love the people that I work with. It's been a great journey getting here and I couldn't be more pleased with where God has me at. What a gift to be allowed to chase God's desire in your job as well as in your daily life!

This is MidWinter Season - we have 6 weekend retreats that start in January and end in February - all back to back. It's an amazing season - we will have approximately 1200+ students come through our camps and many will make first time commitments, some will make renewals, and some will answer a call to ministry. The camps belong to God and we desperately seek to bring Him honor and glory in all that we do through the course of the weekend. From the time we start preparing, we begin praying and seeking discernment. He has handed us amazing teams of adults who volunteer and share a love for Him and for youth. 3 of our camps are at Mt Wesley in Kerrville and 2 are at Echo Valley at the HEB Foundation camps in Leakey, Texas. 1 is a mission focused weekend and we are in San Antonio where we focus on serving the Blessed (a word we use for the homeless and less fortunate). We are truly blessed when we serve.

This past weekend we served in San Antonio, as it was our Midwinter Mission. We must have handed out 100 sack lunches, and over 300 coats and blankets. We ate cold breakfast and a dinner equalivent to what would have been served in a soup kitchen. We had amazing worship with the Mark Swayze Band and Ryan Barnett delivered the Word to us. It was a weekend of learning as well. We learned that just the simple act of the human touch could change a person's life. We learned that we can live with less. We learned that how people look is not necessarily reflective of what is in their soul and spirit. We learned that when we sit and eat side by side with the Blessed, that they will share their lives with you and allow you, in turn, to share God with them. We learned that they are talented, creative and resilient. We learned that they are broken and are needing love and respect. We learned that our students are able to fall in love with the ones that He loves and that they don't think twice about giving away their most beloved items to someone who has nothing. But we knew all that - because this is the same way they behave when we "play with the homeless" during our summer camp - where they live among the homeless for almost a whole week.

I'm home now, for four days. For the next four days, I'll prep and pray for the upcoming weekend retreat, run as many miles as I can during the week and will even prepare to desperately miss my family while I'm at camp. I'll probably even sub a few days at the high school so I can see the local students and share laughter and stories with them. And if I tire, I know that He will re-energize me as He always does. I know that He carries me through the MidWinter season, keeping my mind and heart open to everything He shows me. I work for an amazing God.