Monday, March 30, 2009
The Weekend Approaches!
For those that don't know, Disciple Now is based on small group studies, thrown in service projects, add a prayerwalk, super band and great speaker and you have a time for youth connecting with God! My kind of weekend!
So the other reason, I'm in a blah mood on this non event monday would be that our gym is closing. Yeah, we've known about it a while now but since it is the end of the month, well.... Chris walks in this evening and asks (ever so innocently)"hey, we may need to make the office back into the workout room (transition for this room = #3). So while, I love moving furniture (no, really I do), that means I have to figure out a place for my office - one where when my clients come to look at pictures, they don't have to be in my bedroom or closet! Hmmm, no clue how to do that so I'll have to percolate on that for a while!!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Spring Break has sprung
I've been trying to be productive though; catching up on blogs, practicing my photography, developing my photography checklists (especially for weddings - those are long ones), studying some more, digging a fire pit (yes, I did), organizing Jacksons garage/shop (that's a huge project), putting together all my photo props into one big bin so I can throw it in my car for shoots, catching up on movies, started P90x (again) and the never ending process of job searching!
But other than that, I've enjoyed catching up on sleep with the kids (yes, I can still sleep till 9!), having a lazy breakfast and enjoying coffeemilk with Joshy, and watching really bad videos with Michaleh.
I'm trying to think of clever and inexpensive fun that we can have as a family before Spring Break ends but I realize that tomorrow is Thursday and Monday will be here so soon! Tim flies when your not doing much!! O who am I kidding - I'm always busy!!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I'm always looking for a cute, simple, inexpensive photo display or photo gift and I found one. I was surfing around last night and found an amazing blog with amazingly creative ideas from another mom photographer. These are jelly jars and obviously you cut the picture to size and just stick it in. They have them upside down, but I'm thinking you could do it with the opening up and then use it to hold pencils, safety pins, etc. I'm going to do this same idea for some mothers day gifts' for my friend Beth. You can see her on the photography page. You may remember she has an in-home daycare and I've scheduled a special photo shoot for the kids and thought how cute this would be in baby food jars.
I also got my photo jewelry kits in and since I'm not subbing today, I'll spend some of my time working on putting samples together for my next photo shoot! I'll post pictures if the products are any good.